Update to 5.02 (x64) (5.01-5.02)
Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP) v.5.02
1. Updated transcoder ffmpeg-1.dll (version 4.4).
2. Updated media-files information module MediaInfo.dll (version 21.03).
3. Updated DirectShow filters LAVFilters (version 0.75.0).
4. Updated subtitles module (adds support for new version ffmpeg-1.dll).
5. Media resources (navigation on media device):
- Transcoding - Movie Folder - Settings:
- added setting "Subtitles delay".
- in the main form of the program added the ability to open media files in standard
system players; - for strictly limited firewalld rules added the possibility of using 1900/udp port only to detect UPnP (DLNA) devices (usually used 1900/udp ports, 49152-65535/udp) and server port 45357/tcp for client devices connections .
- for the KDE desktop, the app icon resolution has been changed.
- to menu on right click "mouse" added selection of opened forms "DMR-device control".