Knowledge base to work with the program

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Knowledge base to work with the program

Post by Eugene »

:!: This topic allowed only questions with answers for them, or useful to other users information on setting up programs for different media devices. :!:
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Re: Knowledge base to work with the program

Post by Eugene »

Installing programs (supported operating systems):
- Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, Seven
- UNIX-like systems by using Wine (
- MAC OS X using WineBottler (

Upgrading Program (installing a new version):
The program can be updated with the distribution program (program installation) or by using the update files
- Update files on the release version of software are available at Downloads;
- Update files to the test versions of software are available in the forum topics about the release of the next version of the program or the announcement of the next version.

How to update the program:
1. Download the update file.
2. Open file updates, if all successful, then the update program will start automatically. If you run the upgrade did not happen, then the Start - Programs - "Wild Media Server" - "Maintenance Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)" - Update - specify the path to update file.

Building of the distribution of the current version of the program:
Start - Programs - "Wild Media Server" - "Maintenance Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)" - Distribution.
Distribution may be useful to install the version before upgrade.

Uninstall the program:
- Start - Programs - "Wild Media Server" - "Maintenance Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)" - Uninstall
- Start - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs - Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)

Uninstall the program (versions 0.70-0.73.8): Install current version (, Uninstall.

Working with the program.

- Width, height, layout (the panel of buttons, lists, columns) of the main form of the program can be changed using the mouse, the width and height changes at the boundaries, location - Taking the element of "mouse" in the title area and moving element to the desired area of the main form of the program;
- The color of the form is selected on right click "mouse" in the menu button bar or status bar;
recovery of standard arrangement of the elements form the main program - Help button - "Default form layout".

Adding a directory of media resources
- Settings button - page "Media Resources" - "Folder List - Add
- From Windows Explorer to drag (and drop) "mouse" in the main form of the program required directories (can be used with a standard search for files in Windows).

For catalogs photos have the opportunity to select the source date media resources (Auto, creation date, modification date, metadata), Auto - if there is no metadata, the date of modification. Selection on right click "mouse" in the directory list of media resources (column photo).

Scanning directory of media resources (Creating a list of media resources in the specified directory of media resources, reading the properties of media resources)
- Settings button - page "Media Resources" - "Folder list" - Scanning
Scanning can be performed for selected in the directory list of media resources.

The list of media resources include files, extensions are registered in the program
- button Settings - chapter "Media Resources" - page "Folder list" - File types;
- button Settings - chapter "Media Resources" - page "Photo-resources" - "RAW-files of digital cameras" - "List extensions";
- image files to CD / DVD / BD drive - file extension iso.

An automatic scanning catalogs media resources (button Settings - chapter "Media Resources" - page Scanning):
- Automatic scanning of directories when they change while the server (not recommended to be included if the catalogs of media resources are used in file-sharing networks (the program EMule, uTorrent, etc.));
- Scan directories on schedule;
- Scan directories when the program starts.

To select a chapter of media resources (Movies, Music, Photo) in the main form of the program click the appropriate button on the toolbar buttons.

Editing of the information on a media resource (the main form of the program):
- The list of media resources on the right button mouse menu item "Edit Information"
Information may be changed for the selected rows in the list of media resources

The formation of collections of films, music playlists, photo albums (the main form of the program):
1. Select a tree Folders [Movies]" row Collections
2. In the menu on right click mouse choose "Add movies collection"
3. Specify the name of the collection - click OK.
4. Go to the section containing a list of media resources (eg, "All movies")
5. Select the required media resources.
6. Drag (and drop) by mouse selected rows of media resources to set up a collection of films.

Formation of playlists, music, album photos similar to creating collections of films.
More complex structure of collections, lists, albums can be created by adding a folder in the menu on right click mouse.

Unnecessary folder media resources can be deleted by right-button mouse in the tree "Folders [Movies]" (Music, Photo). Recovery of standard folders of media resources on the right-button mouse - click the Restore folder.

Choosing a playback device, media resources
- Settings button - Section "Device" - the Type field;
If the device is not listed, then the information for the settings in this section you can search in the user manual media device (required fields - the type of DLNA, service authorization, Built-in support files);

To access the server through a viewer Internet (mobile phones, PDAs) need to turn on the Web, specify the constant server port under server configuration - the field "Port" (the value from 1024 to 65535). Access to the server from the viewer Internet - http://IP-addres server:server port. IP-address of the server can be found in the configuration section of the server program-list of allowed network connections - Search.

Starting the media server.

Carefully read all the messages that may appear on the programs of network security when you first start the server.

Information on the multicast, used to send UPnP messages between the client device and server, used the address, port 1900.

Press the Start button in the button bar program's main form.
In the case of a successful server startup, button Start will be disabled, will be available the Stop button and Restart, the log messages will prompt
"Starting the server [ip-address]."

If you start the server did not happen, or when the server starts the program have been reports of error messages:
- Check the list of available network connections to configure the program - Server - A list of allowed network connections - Search.
If the list of allowed network connections are not empty, then compare it with the list of available network connections on the Search button.
- Check the settings used by the program of network security, "Wild Media Server (UPnP)" should be allowed network activity,
for more stringent rules UDP port 1900 must be open for incoming and outgoing packets specified in the configuration program server TCP port must be available for incoming connections.

Generate a list of allowed network connections can be from a list of available network connections, network connection mark for inclusion in the list in the first column.

If the media server to configure the program (Section Server - Port field) is given a permanent port, the availability of media server can be the viewer Internet at http://IP-address the server:the specified server port, eg http:// When available, the server to a page presenting media content. If the configuration chapter of the program Device enabled Web, will open the upper level of the base media resources.

Enabling automatic server startup when you start the program - button Settings - chapter "Additional" - "Startup server by starting program."
Autostart programs when a user logs on Windows - button Settings - chapter "Additional" - "Startup program by starting Windows session".
Install the server as a service in Windows - button Settings - chapter "Additional" - "Installation Windows service "Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)".
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Re: Knowledge base to work with the program

Post by Eugene »

Connecting media devices (connectivity options).

1. Computer - Media device.
For the connection you must use the cross cable:

2. Computer - Switch - Media device.
To connect devices to use direct cables.

3. Computer - Router - Media device.
To connect devices to use direct cables.

Work settings media server does not depend on the version of the connection. If you use a router it is more convenient to include automatic destination ip-address of the device, the details of the settings in the user manual of the router. When using options 1 and 2 connect ip-addresses are typically assigned manually, the address must be different in the latter part of the ip-address, subnet mask, default gateway, - ip-address of the computer, if necessary, set the address of DNS-servers, you can specify the address of the computer. Example: computer address, the address media device

Search server into a media device.
Search is performed according to the user manual media device.
If the server is not found, and everything is connected properly, the setup program (chapter Server) to verify that the list of authorized client devices is empty or ip-address of the device is present in the list of allowed devices. If you use a program of network security (firewall), check its rules for the module wms.exe (wmssvc.exe, if the server runs as a Windows service). If the program of network security have learning (training) mode, then turn it on. Restart "Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)" after changing settings program of network security. If you are using other media servers, perhaps at the stage setup they should be shutdown.
If the server is found, but there is no possibility to open a media device. Program Settings "Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)", which can help solve this problem, in the section Device: mode "DLNA 1.0", "DLNA 1.5", "service authorization", "National names base folders", in the Server chapter, set permanent server port (from 1024 to 65535).

Navigation on the basis of media resources for media device.
If the device supports the National language, then in setting up the program (chapter Device) can turn on the "National names base folders", it affects the names of the main folder base media resources. If the national language media device is not supported mode encoding of National names to choose Translit mode "National names of the main folders" enabled / disabled by the user (if off, then the English names will be the main folder of media resources).
Folder names can be changed in the main form of the program on the right-button mouse - click the "Edit title".
Unnecessary folders media resources can be removed in the main form programs on right click "mouse" - "Delete folder" or can be turned on "Exclude empty folders in navigation" in Device chapter.
Slow navigation on the basis of media resources may be associated with the peculiarities of the media device, the inclusion of the mode "Exclude empty folders in navigation", the presence of slow removable media in the system, frequent changes in the media directory of resources and switched on automatically scan directories when they change while the server. Mode "Exclude empty folders in navigation" can be turned off, the folder "Removable media "can be removed in all sections of the media resources (Movies, Music, Photo).
Browse the catalogs of media resources in the structure of their storage on disk can be accomplished through the folder "Watch Folders" (National language is off).
If some media resources are not visible on the media device, but are present in the main form of the program, it may be due to the transmitted server mime-type for this media resource. Mime-type can be changed in program settings - Settings button - "Media Resources" - "File Types" - select the file extension - the Edit button.
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Re: Knowledge base to work with the program

Post by Eugene »

Watching movies.

The server can send movies to the media device in their original form or through transcoding (converting the movie into a format supported by the media device). Film automatically transcoded, if the file extension is not included in the list of supported or selected for the film profile transcoding. Configuring the supported media device file extensions movies - button Settings - chapter "Device" - "Embedded file support" - Movies. List of file extensions is formed to guide the user's media device, or information on site manufacturer of media devices. If the film is reproduced in its original form, then select your audio and movie file included in the subtitle is possible only if support for this choice of media device. When you select the movie through the folder Transcoding is possible to choose the audio track, internal and external subtitles, sound delay, transcoding profile to convert the movie.

Profile transcoding - the script (macro), which forms the parameters of the call program or performs transcoding transcoding using DirectShow ( Editing profiles transcoding - button Settings - chapter "Transcoder" - button "Profiles".
Profile in use transcoding can be selected:
- For all movies: button Settings - chapter "Transcoder" - "Transcoding file params" - Movies - "Profile transcoding;
- For a certain type of movie files (extensions) - button Settings - chapter "Media Resources" - button "File Types" - select the file extension - Edit button - "Transcoding profile";
- For a specific film: a list of films program's main form on the right-button "mouse" - "Transcoding profile" or through the navigation of media devices, if the choice of film running through a folder in a folder Transcoding settings generated by the server for each movie.

If the movies media devices are usually stretch the video to full screen, so to keep aspect ratio movie server generates the parameters of the original frame size add color to the frame size specified in the configuration. Customize transcoded frame size and color complement configured the program - button Settings - chapter "Transcoder" - page "Codecs, frame" - "Frame size". Supplement color is not supported by all programs, transcoder, so when choosing profile transcoding, other than the primary, it may not be.

If you select the film for viewing media device reported an error, you may be following reasons for their occurrence:
- Select the original movie file, which format, encoding video or audio is not supported by the media device, a possible solution to the problem - select the movie through the folder Transcoding;
- Select movie via folder Transcoding, which encode video or audio is not supported, transcoder, a possible solution to the problem - choose to film another profile transcoding, problems with the audio track can also be solved by installing a setup program (section Transcoder - page "Codecs , frame) the number of channels - 2;
- Media device or a server located in an unmanaged state: to restart the device or media server.

If you select the movie through the folder Transcoding, show begins, but after some time stops or slows down:
- Cessation of view may occur: due to lack of disk space used to store temporary files that exceed the file size supported by the device exceeds the maximum size of the transcoded file specified in the setup program (chapter Transcoder - "Transcoding file params - Maximum size) .
- Transcoding speed film is insufficient for viewing, you can check this in the main form of the program: to execute the test transcoding on right click "mouse" in the list of films - the speed of transcoding (parameter fps) must be greater than the frame rate the movie. If the setup program (section Transcoder) enabled "Show panel transcoding", the speed of transcoding can be found in it after selecting the movie to media ustroystve.Takzhe can include speed indicator transcoding (chapter Transcoder - Subtitles indicator rate), with transcoding speed is less than specified in the configuration program values, the current speed of transcoding will be displayed on the film frame to the specified location of the frame.
Possible solution:
- Select to view profile transcoding, with a smaller frame size, video quality;
- If the encoding of the video track is supported by the media device, but does not support the file format of the film, you can choose the profile transcoding converts the file format of the film and leave unchanged the video track (transcoding profiles "Movies - TsMuxer" - the formation of m2ts-files, Movies - WMF "- the formation of wmv-files). Profile transcoding "Movies - TsMuxer" must additionally download Transcoder TsMuxer to the home page (to set up profiles transcoding);
- Stop watch a movie on the media device for the formation ample for viewing of transcoded movie file;
- Specify to store temporary transcoded files, disk other than your system to store the swap file;
- To optimize the system as a whole - to check disk fragmentation, the list of autoloading programs.

Watching movies stored in DVD (files with the extension vob).
- The program supports the association vob-files when transcoding, selection of film through the folder Transcoding - Watch folders."
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Re: Knowledge base to work with the program

Post by Eugene »

Device Registration

Be careful, for each media device requires its own license (activation code). If the device has a different connection types (wired and wireless) and you want to use both types of connections, that require different licenses (different Device Codes). The purchased license cannot be exchanged and cannot revert back (you have 15 + 15 days to trial program).

Requirements: program version 1.10 and above

1. Turn on media device.
2. Run program.
3. Start server.
4. Make sure the server is available in the device (before trial mode expires, after trial mode expires - skip this step).
5. Click Settings-Devices
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6. Click Search
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Choose device, click OK.
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7. Click Edit
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8. Copy "Device code" to clipboard, use when ordering.
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9. After payment you will receive an email with an activation code, copy activation code to clipboard, Settings-Devices-choose device-click Edit
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10. Paste activation code in field "Activation code", click button "Check the activation code".
After successful registration
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11. Click OK, OK, OK, Restart server - Yes.
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Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:05 pm

Re: Knowledge base to work with the program

Post by Eugene »


If your computer's performance is not enough to transcode on the fly, you can use pre-transcoding.
To use the pre-transcoding necessary to specify the directory transcoded files and select the profile transcoding (Settings-Transcoder).
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The distribution of the program included four pre-transcoding script (Settings-Processing):

Pre transcoding (directory) - running pre-transcode movie files in the specified directory
Pre transcoding (file) - running pre-transcoding current file in the list of films
Pre transcoding (list) - running pre-transcode files in the current list of media resources
Pre transcoding (media-resource) - running pre-transcoding current media-resource in the list of films

You can switch on displaying the buttons perform pre-transcoding on the main form of the program (Settings-Processing-"Pre transcoding (media-resource)"-Edit)
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Select a file to pre-transcoding, then click "Pre transc.(m-r)". After completion of the pre-transcoding, in the list of files will transcoded file.
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