Subtitles support (DLNA, UPnP)

Posts: 2940
Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:05 pm

Subtitles support (DLNA, UPnP)

Post by Eugene »

The program can overlay subtitles (external and internal) when transcoding video (2D and 3D subtitles).
External format subtitles: srt, idx, sub, smi, sami, ass, ssa, dfxp, xml.
Internal format subtitles: ssa, txt, dvd, dvb, pgs, srt, ass.

Support for subtitles using the module SubtitleApi.dll (,
supported subtitle formats:
Adobe Encore DVD: txt; Advanced SubStation Alpha: ass; AQTitle: aqt; Captions 32: txt;
Captions DAT: dat; Captions DAT Text: dat; Captions Inc.: txt; Cheetah: asc; CPC-600: txt;
DKS Subtitle Format: dks; DVD Junior: txt; DVD Subtitle System: txt; DVDSubtitle: sub;
FAB Subtitler: txt; I-Author Script: txt; Inscriber CG: txt; JACOSub 2.7+: js, jss;
Karaoke Lyrics LRC: lrc; Karaoke Lyrics VKT: vkt; MAC DVD Studio Pro: txt; MacSUB: scr;
MicroDVD: sub, txt; MPlayer: mpl; MPlayer2: mpl; MPSub: sub; OVR Script: ovr;
Panimator: pan; Philips SVCD Designer 1.5-2.0: sub; Phoenix Japanimation Society: pjs;
Pinnacle Impression: txt; PowerDivX: psb, txt; PowerPixel: txt; QuickTime Text: txt;
RealTime: rt; SAMI Captioning: smi, sami; Sasami Script: s2k; SBT: sbt; Scantitle: 890;
Sofni: sub; Softitler RTF: rtf; SonicDVD Creator: sub; Sonic Scenarist: sst;
Spruce DVDMaestro: son; Spruce Subtitle File: stl; Stream SubText Player: sst;
Stream SubText Script: ssts; SubCreator 1.x: txt; SubRip: srt; SubSonic: sub;
SubStation Alpha: ssa; SubViewer 1.0: sub; SubViewer 2.0: sub; TMPlayer: txt, sub;
Turbo Titler: tts; Ulead DVD Workshop 2.0: txt; ViPlay Subtitle File: vsf.

File extesion list: 890, aqt, asc, ass, dat, dks, js, jss, lrc, mpl, ovr, pan, pjs, psb, rt, rtf, s2k, sami, sbt, scr, smi, son, srt, ssa, sst, ssts, stl, sub, tts, txt, vkt, vsf

For Samsung, LG devices information about external subtitles included in the information about media resources and TV can use the information when viewing movie without transcoding.

External subtitle files included in the track list of film while scanning directory of media resources. Preferences directory and file name masks subtitles - Settings - Media-resources - "Reading of properties".
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The program will automatically perform transcoding, if enabled "Always perfrom transcoding when subtitles are found"
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For overlay ssa, ass subtitles can be used module libass (, it is included in the distribution program.
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Selecting the subtitle possible in the track list of movie file (right button mouse) or the navigation on the media device (Settings folder in Transcoding Movie folder). Subtitles are not connected, if the video track is passed the original (the original mode of video tracks).

If the format of external subtitles is not supported, but you want to use it, then attach the example of such a file in the archive on forum or send it to
Posts: 2940
Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:05 pm

Re: Subtitles support

Post by Eugene »

If subtitles in ANSI encoding, subpicture affects selected font subtitles and selected language subtitles (2-3 letter code)
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