Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73.8"

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Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73.8"

Post by Eugene »

Update file from version 0.72 (0.72-0.73), from version 0.73rc2 (0.73rc2-0.73)

How to update the program:
1. Download the update file.
2. Open update file, if all successful, then the update program will start automatically. If run the upgrade did not happen, then the Start-Programs-Wild Media Server-"Maintenance Wild media server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP)"-Update

Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP) v.0.73

1. Added ability to configure the structure of media resources for client devices
(Settings-Device-"Thumbnails, identifiers - Identifiers media resources). Editing
items on the right button mouse. Structure can be imported from another media
server by right click "Import structure from media server". Folders of individual
structures can linked with the basic structure of folders media resources program,
using Drag & Drop. For the destination folder set type Dynamic (script)
script - WmsDatabaseLinkFolder ( "Identifier_Source_Folder", FolderItem.ItemID).
2. Added constructor expressions additional verification support files
(Settings-File Types-Registration file type), the call from the field Expression.
3. Changes in the definition of the support device files, if do any of the conditions
from additional verification support files, the file is unsupported and transcoded with
the specified profile.
4. Ability to use a transcoding buffer - transcoding without writing to disk, the default is off,
setting - Settings - Transcoder - Buffer, buffer size can be set for video, music,
Internet, 0 - use a buffer for this type of resource is disabled;
5. Added ability to backup / restore program data (Help-Backup).
6. Changes in the list of supported device configuration files. Now you can specify * -
all files are supported, when installed * then setting transcoding profile for a file
or special settings Transcoding is ignored, the choice transcoded content only
a folder Transcoding.
7. The updated subtitles module, enabled subtitles when working with Wine.
8. Added call to form the complete structure of the media resources (call on right click
"mouse" in the folder tree), can be used to assign the thumbnail root folder, add
dynamically generated folder on root level.
9. In the form properties of the folder is added to select the type folder (Default,
Dynamic (script), Transcoding). The contents of the dynamic folder formed script
(sample script to create artist index:
WmsDatabaseGroupItems (mfAudioAllMusicItemID, FolderItem.Properties [mpiItemID],
'mpAuthor + "\" + mpAlbum', '+ mpTitle\-mpYear')
can be assigned to an existing folder Artists. This script creates a folder by artist,
each artist creates a folder album, after the grouping of media resource, is executed
sort folders by name of artist, album artist sorted by publication year in reverse order.
Folder content Transcoding is formed from a folder to the same level
that folder transcoding, ie If the folder are three folders A, B, C and C - Folder
transcoding, it will contain folders A and B with transcoding.
10. Download information about media resources from the Internet databases:
- added script to load the data from (, (;
- added the possibility of forming a table of search results, example of use in
scripts to load the data from,;
- added ability download information for the current list media resources,
an example of using the script to load the data from
11. Added transcode profile Music - APE ", support for ape-files 24/96 and 24/192.
12. In the distribution kit included transcoder mac.exe (
for transcoding ape-files.
13. Added transcode profile Music - WAVPACK ", support wv-files.
14. In the distribution included transcoder wvunpack.exe ( for
transcoding wv-files.
15. Changes in transcoding profile "Music - DVD-Audio" to support transcoding in LPCM.
16. In the configuration register file type setting added an additional verification
support files, that can be used to select a profile transcoding, depending on
the file properties (in terms supported only logical operations, a list of names
of properties media resources in editing transcoding profile -
Media resource parameters), an example of expression for the Playstation 3
(mkv, m2ts): mpVideoCodec = 'VC1', transcoding profile: "Movies - WMF".
17. In the dynamic folder scripts added function WmsDatabaseLinkFolder, may
be used for the dynamic formation of the folder contents from other folders
media structure.
18. Changes in the formation of a subtitle parameters for transcoding,
if not set the subtitle language, then used value "Language of subtitles
and audio tracks by default - Settings - Transcoder - Subtitles, Speed indicator.
19. Changed directory store cache fonts external module subtitle libass,
Now it is stored in the temporary folder Windows, initializing the cache
will be executed when you exit the form of program settings.
20. In class TWmsScriptMediaItem added methods AddItem, AddFolder, Sort,
can be used in scripts dynamic folders.
21. Changes in the processing of cue-file, the name of a music file read from the cue-file.
22. Changes in the automatic scanning directories media resources, when they change
(it should now be more optimal on Windows XP and above).
23. Changes in the search form client devices, added a selection device configuration,
the grouping of ip-address, for some devices can display a thumbnail.
24. Thumbnail support is now possible to specify for each type media resources
(films, music, photos).
25. If the folder of media resource contains a file folder.jpg, then it connects to
a thumbnail of the folder (not all devices support the thumbnails for folders).
26. For podcasts, pointing to a file automatically creates a pipe-load channel.
27. For all DLNA-devices in the description of the media resource includes links to
the external subtitles (can be used on players LG).
28. In the registration of file types added to the setup DLNA positioning for streaming
resources, can be useful if, for internet-resources device not support pause
(default, both mode of positioning DLNA off).
29. Updated configuration of all devices, expanded the list of registered file types by default.
30. For devices containing Popcorn in the name of the device type, automatically
turn on the identification of the main folders, adopted in Windows Media Sharing.
31. After editing the information on the video track, the information is transferred
in the basic information about the film, the same for a selected audio track.
32. The information about the film added mode selection aspect ratio DVD,
can be useful if the original ratio of 16:9 is inscribed in a 4:3 frame and information
on the DVD is not specified, the formation parameters of transcoding black
areas will be cut.
33. Settings-Device-Thumbnails, identifiers:
- added mode "Use shorted (16 characters) identifiers media resources"
( ... p?f=3&t=47).
34. In the profile selection for transcoding media device is added ability cleaning selected
profile transcoding.
35. In the property "Thumbnail" media resource is now possible to specify the full path
to the thumbnail, may be useful in the processing of media resources.
36. In the lists of movies, music, photos added to the column "File date".
37. Improved transcoding files from Youtube.
38. In transcoding profiles added function WmsDownloadURLToPipe - creation
pipe for downloading Internet pages.
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Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:25 pm

Re: Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73"

Post by Zolee »


How can I upgrade from 0.72.5 to 0.73 ? Both packages are failing to upgrade from this release. Uninstall->Install 0.72->upgrade to 0.73 ?
Posts: 2940
Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:05 pm

Re: Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73"

Post by Eugene »

Zolee wrote:Eugene,

How can I upgrade from 0.72.5 to 0.73 ? Both packages are failing to upgrade from this release. Uninstall->Install 0.72->upgrade to 0.73 ?
You can update the program with the distribution kit (setup_ws.exe,
Posts: 2940
Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:05 pm

Re: Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73"

Post by Eugene »

Update on test version 0.73.1 (0.73-0.73.1)
1. Settings-Transcoder-codecs, frame-Audio:
- To the list of codecs added LPCM, is used in the profile transcoding
"Movies - TSMuxer", "Movies - DirectShow - TSMuxer".
- added mode "Hide DTS in LPCM", can be used if
media device is connected to the receiver (DTS 5.1 (768 kbit, 1536kbit)) (not tested).
2. Changes in support of the work with Samsung TVs
( ... ?f=9&t=154). (not tested).

Update on test version 0.73.2 (0.73.1-0.73.2) (0.73-0.73.2)
1. Ability to change the XML-description of the server to be transferred to
device can be used for cosmetic changes, which required for operation of the devices
(Settings-Device-"Thumbnails, identifiers" - Identifiers media resources,
the menu on right click "mouse" - Editing description server).
2. Folder list of media resources (Settings-Media-resources):
- added mode "Each film in a separate folder", can useful if
used such a structure storing movies. The folder extra includes a folder of
information from the Internet database (if it is loaded) and Transcoding folder.
3. Changes in support of the thumbnail (if somewhere missing, please inform
about this issue).
4. Updated transcoding profile "Music - FLAC ", deleted transcoding profiles
"Music (FLAC-DTS)", "Music - FLAC - LPCM", recommended restore transcoding
profile "Music - FLAC" from the distribution (Settings - Transcoder - Profiles -
"Music - FLAC "- Restore).
Posts: 43
Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:01 pm

Re: Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73.2"

Post by lecureuil »

can update from 0.73.1 to 0.73.2
when i check : version 0.73.1 ok
wms error.JPG
wms error.JPG (118.64 KiB) Viewed 21681 times
samsung UE40D6530 + Yamaha RXV 465 + WHS PP3 2t°(data)+ Sagetv server
Posts: 2940
Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:05 pm

Re: Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73.2"

Post by Eugene »

lecureuil wrote:can update from 0.73.1 to 0.73.2
when i check : version 0.73.1 ok
Sorry, my mistake, I rebuilt the file update, it is available for download. :!: Internet explorer can take a file from the cache. :!:
Posts: 43
Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:01 pm

Re: Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73.2"

Post by lecureuil »

update 0.73.1 to 0.73.2 works!
thank's Eugene
samsung UE40D6530 + Yamaha RXV 465 + WHS PP3 2t°(data)+ Sagetv server
Posts: 2940
Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:05 pm

Re: Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73.2"

Post by Eugene »

Update on test version 0.73.3 (0.73.2-0.73.3) (0.73-0.73.3)
1. Updated transcoder FFMPEG, added support for file names in Unicode.
2. Update subtitles module, added support for file names in Unicode.
3. Editing information about feed of podcasts:
- the possibility to download additional properties podcasts using
scripts (button Script), in the script is available variables
PodcastItem - current item database of media resources,
PodcastXmlItem - element description of the current
podcast in the feed podcasts;
- button to save the description of the podcast (in field Link),
is included in the description and the transcoding script,
if it is defined. For load a saved description simply drag
the saved file from Windows Explorer into the main form.
4. Updated transcoding profile "Movies - TsMuxer", can now be used
to transcode any files in the format of MPEG Transport Stream,
if the film selected subtitles, then to perform transcoding
video track to MPEG2. Removed the use of profile transcoding
"Movies - DirectShow - TsMuxer". recommended restore transcoding
profile "Movies - TsMuxer" from the distribution (Settings - Transcoder -
Profiles - "Movies - TsMuxer"- Restore).
5. Added setting directory thumbnail movies (Settings-Media-resources-
"Photo-resources, Thumbnails").
6. Changes to the launch of a test transcoding (without batch file).
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Joined: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:09 pm

Re: Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73.3"

Post by pdawg17 »

Thanks, Eugene! Trying it now...
Posts: 23
Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:36 pm

Re: Released a trial version "Wild Media Server (UPnP) v0.73.3"

Post by weaver4 »

I get the same error when I try to update from 72.3 to 73. What should I try?
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