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Re: Making streaming DVD Setup easier...

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:37 pm
by Eugene

I think, features can be added in next version

Re: Making streaming DVD Setup easier...

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:33 pm
by Eugene
JST200 wrote: I think this method could be coded, as all the data required to do this is available and the logic I mention above still works.
1. Settings - Processing - Add -
Name: Create DVD-Cell link
turn on "Button on the main form"

Code: Select all

  CellItem: TWmsScriptMediaItem;  
  sDVDTitle, sFilePath: string;
  CellItem := WmsCurrentMediaListItem;  
  if (CellItem <> nil) and SameText(CellItem.Properties[mpiFilePath], 'DVDVIDEO.VOB') then begin
    sFilePath := CellItem.ItemParent.ItemParent.ItemParent.Properties[mpiFilePath];  //ifo-file
    sDVDTitle := ExtractFileName(ExtractFileDir(ExtractFileDir(sFilePath)));    
    WmsDatabaseAddLink(mfVideoCollectionsItemID, 'DVD\' + sDVDTitle, CellItem); 
    if FileExists(ExtractFilePath(sFilePath) + 'folder.jpg') then
      WmsFindMediaFolder(mfVideoCollectionsItemID, 'DVD\' + sDVDTitle).Properties[mpiThumbnail] := ExtractFilePath(sFilePath) + 'folder.jpg';
Ok - Ok - Ok

2. Select "Cell 00 - 00:00:00 - ..." - click "Create DVD-Cell link"

Re: Making streaming DVD Setup easier...

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:11 pm
by Eugene
JST200 wrote: I think I am going to have to learn Pascal (?).
script_language.JPG (6.28 KiB) Viewed 8822 times
JST200 wrote: So, how difficult would it be to amend the script so that rather than getting sFilePath (?) from manually selecting the required Cell, it automatically finds it itself from the manually selected DVD Title. Something along the lines of (note: please forgive my meta-coding - its a long time since I wrote any real code!! And as I nmention above, I don't know Pascal! :-) )
Maybe it will be a solution for you, but not for others :)
dvd_sample.JPG (33.87 KiB) Viewed 8822 times
A little later I'll add a script for your algorithm (processing for "All Movies").

Re: Making streaming DVD Setup easier...

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:52 pm
by Eugene
JST200 wrote:That's "Basicscript" as in Visual Basic? Perhaps I might have chance after all - though Object Oriented code was something else I didn't get into! I'm going to need some examples! :D ... p?p=86#p86
JST200 wrote: In your DVD example, are you saying that there is no one Cell that is identifed as the full movie?
Yes, TV programs, serials, karaoke, ...

Re: Making streaming DVD Setup easier...

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:32 pm
by Eugene
1. Settings - Processing - Add -
Name: Creating DVD-links
turn on "Button on the main form"

Code: Select all

procedure ProcessItem(aItem: TWmsScriptMediaItem);
  dtTimeLength, dtMaxTimeLength: TDateTime;
  i, j: Integer;                        
  CellItem, ChapterItem, MainCellItem, PartItem: TWmsScriptMediaItem;  
  sDVDPath, sDVDTitle: string; 
  if aItem.IsFolder and SameText(ExtractFileExt(aItem.Properties[mpiFilePath]), '.ifo') then begin
    MainCellItem := nil; dtMaxTimeLength := 0;           
    for i := 0 to aItem.ChildCount - 1 do begin    
      PartItem := aItem.ChildItems[i];      
      if PartItem.IsFolder then                      
        for j := 0 to PartItem.ChildCount - 1 do begin        
          ChapterItem := PartItem.ChildItems[j];
          if ChapterItem.HasChildItems then begin          
            CellItem := ChapterItem.ChildItems[0];
            if SameText(CellItem.Properties[mpiFilePath], 'DVDVIDEO.VOB') then try            
              dtTimeLength := StrToTime(CellItem.Properties[mpiTimeLength]);              
              if dtTimeLength > dtMaxTimeLength then begin
                dtMaxTimeLength := dtTimeLength;
                MainCellItem := CellItem             
            except end;            
    if MainCellItem <> nil then begin    
      sDVDPath := ExtractFileDir(ExtractFileDir(aItem.Properties[mpiFilePath]));  
      sDVDTitle := ExtractFileName(sDVDPath);      
      WmsDatabaseAddLink(mfVideoCollectionsItemID, 'DVD\' + sDVDTitle, MainCellItem);
      if FileExists(sDVDPath + '\folder.jpg') then
        WmsFindMediaFolder(mfVideoCollectionsItemID, 'DVD\' + sDVDTitle).Properties[mpiThumbnail] := sDVDPath + '\folder.jpg';      

  AllMoviesFolder: TWmsScriptMediaItem;
  i: Integer;  
  AllMoviesFolder := WmsFindMediaFolder(mfVideoAllMoviesItemID);
  if (AllMoviesFolder <> nil) and AllMoviesFolder.HasChildItems then begin
    WmsShowInformation('Creating DVD-links...');
      for i := 0 to AllMoviesFolder.ChildCount - 1 do     
Ok - Ok - Ok

2. Click "Creating DVD-links"

Re: Making streaming DVD Setup easier...

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:38 pm
by Eugene
JST200 wrote: I have one further question (though it seems churlish of me to even ask!), although all the Collection DVD Titles now have an associated Icon, they don't show on the TV. Is this a limitation of DLNA?
Maybe limitation TV. Information about the thumbnails transferred and displayed on other DLNA-players.

Re: Making streaming DVD Setup easier...

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:15 pm
by Eugene
JST200 wrote:Maybe/probably. Is there a way to check?
Select the folder "All movies" - right click - "Edit title" - click "Select thumbnail"
JST200 wrote: Cells show an "Icon" on the TV - although one doesn't appear for the cell in WMS when you select "Edit Info" for it.
Edit info - "Create thumbnail" (requests from a device, the mode Cards - automatic)

As far as I know, Sony TV show thumbnails for folders, but probably it depends on the model or mode of TV.

Re: Making streaming DVD Setup easier...

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:18 pm
by manuonline
WOW Great work!

Only one Question:

Can i Change the Language of Movie?
