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Re: Shared network folders , shows video media, but not play

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:53 pm
by Eugene

Settings - Additional - turn off "Install Windows Service"

Re: Shared network folders , shows video media, but not play

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:17 am
by S@gittarius
Hi there,

Network connected shares are written into user's profile. So in order to access them one has to be logged in. On the other hand services start earlier in the start up process. Nevertheless every service run under a specific context and make use of its profile. So you have two possibilities:
  1. Run WMS under your user context. You have to modify WMS service Log on information. In this case WMS service will become non interactive thus you won't see transcoding activities.
  2. Make use of NET USE Windows command and put it into a stat-up batch script. You will end up with something like this

    Code: Select all

    NET USE z: \\<server>\NetShare /user:<user name> <password> /persistent
    More information on windows start up/shutdown scrips through Google
Hope this information will help you.
