Update to 4.00 (x32) (3.30-4.00)
Update to 4.00 (x64) (3.30-4.00)
Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP) v.4.00
1. Added vector interface styles of the program "TheBezier" (30 palettes) and "Office2019Colorful" (7 palettes).
2. Added a choice of palette for the current style of the program in the Help menu.
3. Add vector image sets "OMNI" (Full-color, 4 colors - 28 palettes, 2 colors - 22 palettes, 1 color - by user's choice or auto-choice for the current palette of the program interface).
4. Added custom palette settings for the "OMNI" image set (Help - Image set - Image sets "OMNI" - User - Settings) .